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Category: Film

Film Connection student

Grab That Gig: Work-Grabbing Methods for Filmmakers

[Film Connection student Jacob Sizemore directs his short film “Song of Silence”] The film industry definitely isn’t the easiest industry to work in. Getting work and staying gainfully employed requires constant hustling and staying one or two steps ahead of the competition. Stay proactive and get those gigs with our tips on getting working in […]

Screenplay 101

The Power of a Sh_tty First Draft

The thing that holds most writers back is fear of failure. Such a fear can imprison people, keeping them creatively paralyzed so that ultimately they don’t make anything at all—good or bad. On this front, being a person who aspires to do quality work can actually work against you: you don’t want to produce anything […]

writing love scenes

What Makes a Good Love Scene?

There are a few places in the writing process in which nearly every screenwriter faces at least some difficulty. Some writers excel at dialogue, others action, and others structure yet nearly every screenwriter struggles with writing great love scenes. Know what makes for a particularly good, compelling love scene and you’ve got one hot, marketable […]

low budget filmmaking

Low Budget Filmmaking Heroes

Right now more than ever before there is a groundswell of support for people who make their own movies. The massive blockbusters are racking up millions upon millions of dollars but behind the scenes independent filmmakers are amassing a very successful campaign to change the face of cinema. These filmmakers are hard at work in […]

Screenplay 101

What Science Says About Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is something a great many of writers out there have experienced at at least some point in their lives. In fact, it’s such a common ailment faced by writers that the quintessential “writer’s writer” is nearly always seen as a someone plagued by times of frustrated inactivity where the words just don’t seem […]

the flow

Achieving Flow: Entering the Vortex

Creatives have different names for it. Some call it “The Zone” some “The Sweet Spot,” and still others “The Grind.” For the sake of this conversation we’re going to call it The Flow. It’s something that you know when you feel it. It’s you when you’re working at your complete and total best, when your […]

How to Have a Successful Table Read

What’s a “table read”? It’s exactly what it sounds like. A table read is when you gather a bunch of actors and get them to sit down and read the script from beginning to end. This enables you as the writer to see what’s working, what isn’t when it comes to getting the words on […]

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