Train inside of the film industry on real film sets and in real production companies!
Imagine a film school alternative that doesn’t take place inside of some classroom but on the set of actual film productions where you learn straight from the people who make films! With the Film Connection, a division of RRFC, this isn’t a fantasy—it’s how we train our students every day. We offer the opportunity to break into the film industry by training you in the very heart of the action, placing you as a working extern in a film production company near where you live. Be mentored by actual film professionals who show you the ropes in one-one-one, private sessions. Get real-world experience by getting on the set of actual film productions. Learn the secrets of lighting, camera work, screenwriting, editing and more, by actually participating in these processes. Develop your own film idea with the help of an established Hollywood screenwriter, and have the opportunity to pitch that idea in front of actual Los Angeles film industry representatives! Yes—these opportunities are all included in our exclusive Film Connection on-the-job training course, for less than what the average film school costs.
Is the Film Connection for Me?

Who Should Take This Program
The Film Connection film programs are designed for aspiring producers, screenwriters, directors, film editors, cinematographers, post-production specialists, and virtually anyone else who wants a career within the film and/or television industries. It takes a massive team of professionals to create film and TV productions, from camera operation to production/set design to lighting, to makeup, to sound, to post-production, and much more. This means there are many career paths from which to choose, and many opportunities for advancement. Our on-the-job training approach gives you the "big picture" so you if you don't know your niche, you can easily find it! And if you do know what you want, we can pair you with a successful mentor who specializes in your area of interest. Here a few educational training options offered by the Film Connection:
- Film Production & Editing: The primary aspects of filmmaking, geared for students who want to produce and direct their own films
- Cinematography: geared for those who want to specialize in cinematography, camera operation and other technical aspects of film
Learn Near Where You Live!

Where the Film Connection Externships are Located
Many people believe that the best places to learn film are in major industry hubs like Los Angeles or New York—but in a growing global industry, this isn't true anymore. There are many great emerging film hubs all across the country, including hotspots like Atlanta, Austin, Philadelphia, Orlando and many others. In fact, there are successful film and TV professionals in almost every city in most states across the country, which may include right near where you live. Because our training occurs on the job and on the set, the Film Connection has literally hundreds of externship locations across the nation, which means we can train you in a real production facility near where you live! (Of course, if you want to move to Los Angeles, New York or Atlanta to break into those film industries, we can help you there, too!) Click here to find a Film Connection location near where you live.
Need Proof?

Extern Success Stories
The real proof of the Film Connection's programs is in the success of our students! Every week we hear great stories from our externs about the opportunities they're getting as they learn on-the-job, or the films they're working on, or who they got to meet, or how they got hired by their mentors—the list goes on and on. You can check out some of these great success stories by clicking here!
The Film Connection is a division of the Recording Radio Film Connection and CASA Schools (RRFC), a trade school based on the mentor-extern training approach.