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We Stand Against Racism

At RRFC we stand against racism and bigotry and are actively committed to doing and being the change that needs to happen in our world. For hundreds of years, racism in our country has been institutionalized, codified, and socialized. It exists on the macro and micro level. It is a problem which has eaten away at the fiber of who we are as citizens and believers in a just and equal society for all.

We’ve prided ourselves on being inclusive in our hiring practices and our partnerships but that is not enough. The rallying cry of millions of Americans cannot and should not go unheeded. Now is not a momentary blip on the timeline but a clarion call for real, undeniable change: for an ongoing commitment to face racism and inequality in the workplace, in our homes, our society, our language, stereotypes, memes, preconceived notions and long-unquestioned biases. Such change takes more than stating one’s commitment, it requires looking into one’s own behavior and conditioning.

At RRFC we work united in the goal of fostering learning, creation, and positive growth for ALL of our students, employees, and partners of every race, religion, gender, and orientation.

The arts have historically served as both refuge and instrument to those who have been oppressed, discriminated against, and brutalized for generations. Every day we’re engaged in being doers, active practitioners and mentors to individuals who will use their voices, their visions and gifts to stir the hearts of those slow to heed the message.

In the words of Martin Luther King, “Every step towards the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. Without persistent effort, time itself becomes an ally of the insurgent and primitive forces of irrational emotionalism and social destruction.”

Let us be tireless in our work towards change and the active realization of a new America.

-RRFC Executive Team


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