Here are the job opportunities (or as we like to call them, Grind Opps) from this week's show.
Shooters, Editors, Grips, Writers, and PA
Industry: Film
Location: Cleveland, OH
Commercial film company who works with Samsung, Bose, ATT, etc. needs energetic crew that is local to Cleveland, OH. for upcoming shoots.

Live Sound Engineer
Industry: Recording
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Concert sound and events company seeks a lead audio technician to support live events and the production department.

Audio Engineer
Industry: Recording
Location: Mt. Holly, NJ
Top studio in Mt. Holly seeks experienced Audio Engineer.

Camera Operator
Industry: Film
Location: Long Island, NY
Long Island production company looking for a camera operator to film sporting events in Long Island.

On Air Hip Hop Radio Personality
Industry: Radio
Location: Lafayette, LA
Lafayette Hip Hop station is offering a great opportunity for an Afternoon Drive Personality who is passionate about music and broadcasting.

Casting Assistant
Industry: Film
Location: Honolulu, HI
Production company looking for casting assistant in Oahu, HI. For up to 8 weeks starting mid to late March.

Audio Editor
Industry: Recording
Location: Washington, DC
Top Station in D.C. needs audio editor to assist with sound gathering in the newsroom.

Audio Production Assistant
Industry: Recording
Location: New York, NY
This position specializes in editing , preparing, and loading audio to the prophet system with direction from show producers.

Radio Board Operator
Industry: Radio
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Passionate energetic board operator needed for major market station.

Junior Sous Chef
Industry: Culinary
Location: Nationwide
In charge of running the whole culinary operation along side the Executive Sous Chef.

IZ: Hey. Welcome to Connected. I’m your host, DJ IZ. I’ve got my lovely co-host, Miss Cloie. What a giggly smiley.
Cloie: Hi guys. Hi guys. I just got a great video of you.
IZ: A what?
Cloie: That’s a Boomerang. I got a good Boomerang. Guys, look at, this is how you know it’s live. Check out our Instagram feed in, like, two seconds, and you’re going to see the photo that I’m posting right now, the Boomerang of IZ called “Focused.” That’s what you look like when you’re focused.
IZ: Focused.
Cloie: Focused.
IZ: Focused, live and direct. Focused. So, Cloie, it is Monday.
Cloie: It sure is.
IZ: And here we are again getting ready to introduce more jobs, 10 jobs.
Cloie: All of the connections.
IZ: All the connections, and, you know…let me see. I’m just making sure we don’t have any…
Cloie: Because we’re live, guys.
IZ: We’re live. This is all live.
Cloie: This is what’s happening when we’re live.
IZ: So how was your week? Let’s dive into it right away. How was your week?
Cloie: It, my weekend was fine. I just want to shout myself up because I busted my face on the door. And that’s okay, because we’re also live.
IZ: It happens.
Cloie: It happens.
IZ: It happens.
Cloie: How was your weekend?
IZ: My week was good.
Cloie: Yeah.
IZ: My week was good. I was out for a couple, just a couple, wasn’t feeling too good.
Cloie: It happens.
IZ: But now I’m back, you know, I’m in effect and, you know…
Cloie: Looking fresh and fly as always.
IZ: I had to get here today so we can introduce these opportunities and keep it moving.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: Let’s see, what do we got that we can talk about before we dive into these jobs?
Cloie: Oh my gosh.
IZ: What do we got?
Cloie: I mean, so many things. I should say this weekend, I’m going to be stepping into a play with the Ammunition Theater Company. It’s got some really great people in it and attached, so I’m super excited about that.
IZ: Okay, okay.
Cloie: In the Lala area, if you’re in LA.
IZ: LA. Okay. Smell-A, LA.
Cloie: Smell-A, LA. So yeah, so you can check out my Insta feed @alwayscloie and you’ll see all the things, all of the things.
IZ: Okay.
Cloie: You know?
IZ: Well, I’ll definitely check it out. We’ll all be checking it out.
Cloie: You better.
IZ: We got somebody we want to congratulate…
Cloie: Yes we do.
IZ: …before we get into the [inaudible 00:03:28]. Who is that person?
Cloie: Congratulations to Carlos Rocca, because he snagged our bonus job last week with, where we talked about the video with autism, and he snagged it.
IZ: Dope, dope.
Cloie: So thank you for paying attention.
IZ: Yeah.
Cloie: Carlos. We can’t wait to hear all about it, and we’re so glad that we were able to hook that up. Because what’s getting connected if you don’t get connected?
IZ: Right.
Cloie: Can I get an amen?
IZ: And a shout-out to him for just being proactive and making it happen.
Cloie: Yeah.
IZ: I think that’s something we definitely always want to make it a point to talk about on our shows when we’ve got folks like him who are actually plugging away, chomping at the bit…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…and getting hired, and making it happen. So definitely want to commend you on that, man. And for all our other, you know, folks that have made it a point to tune in every Monday. You know, keep chomping at the bit. You know, something definitely will come to you…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…that you love and that you’re passionate about.
Cloie: Yeah, absolutely.
IZ: And, you know, that’s what we’re here for. That’s what we do at Connect, you know?
Cloie: Should we also say, though, make sure that you’re watching…if you’re watching on the livestream, what is it, it’s livestream…what, I’m going to say it,
IZ: Bam.
Cloie: Boom, it’s there. It’s there.
IZ: Got the link right on the screen.
Cloie: The chat button’s on the upper right-hand corner, so go look for it.
IZ: And also too, now that you brought that up, it’s important for you guys to know, as well, if you are on the move or on the go, you can always tune in to our podcast on Google Play or at our iTunes.
Cloie: Love it.
IZ: So you can definitely catch our audio there. There you go. Bam. [inaudible 00:04:52] connected.
Cloie: All of it.
IZ: My man is quick on the dials. Also too, get your Q&A ready, get your questions together, because when we do get, come out from these jobs, we want to be able to answer all your questions…
Cloie: We’re rolling. Roll with these homies.
IZ:…and keep it rolling. So without any further ado, we’re going to jump into these jobs, these grind ops. Cloie, let them know what they need to have on hand and deck.
Cloie: Guys, so here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to grab your “Like a Boss” cup if you have that.
IZ: Wows.
Cloie: You’re going to get your pens, your pencils, your texting thumbs, your paper, whatever you need to be the best student of life ever, to take all these notes. Because we’re coming at you hard, we’re coming at you strong, and we’re giving you 10 new jobs today. Ten new jobs. Five on our website and five live, because we’re live.
IZ: And direct.
Cloie: And direct. And if you’re looking for the…you can check your…for those of us on Instagram, check your Insta now.
IZ: The Grammy.
Cloie: Now. Check your Insta now, because I just posted your lovely little boomerang.
IZ: Oh no. Okay, here we go. First Grind Opp of today’s Monday. Let’s see it. Here we go. This is in Cleveland, Ohio. Shooters, editors, grips, writers, and PA. Commercial film company who works with Samsung, Bose, ATT, etc., needs energetic crew that is local to Cleveland, Ohio for upcoming shoots. Duties include cinematography, editing, lighting, PA work, and writing. Several permanent opportunities available for those trying to further their career. Must have at least six months of technical training.
So this is actually another Grind Opp that’s great for RRFC students…
Cloie: Oh, for sure.
IZ:…that definitely have that experience under the belt. And, you know, I always make it a point to shout-out our students at the Recording Radio and Film Connection…
Cloie: Shout-out.
IZ:…because the classroom is actually a working environment.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: And, you know, a lot of times, you know, this is something we always talk about on our show.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know, people that are attending traditional schools versus what we provide, it’s completely different. And I think that’s key in today’s culture where, you know, the difference between showing up in a, to a classroom versus showing up to the actual working environment takes you so much further.
Cloie: One hundred percent.
IZ: So much further. You know ,you’re working with people in real-time. You’re learning how to fly, you know, do things on the fly when certain things come up.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You’re learning how to navigate. You’re learning how to navigate. You’re learning how to, most importantly, be on time every day, day in and day out.
Cloie: Well. [sings] Well.
IZ: And that is key. So again, definitely, you know, for those of you who are experienced in that field, definitely shoot your resume. Let’s get you applied for this job.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: I think this could be another great opportunity for those of you who are into that.
Cloie: And I think it’s also a great opportunity to say, this job clearly says in the Grind Opp how it has the ability to become something permanent.
IZ: Right.
Cloie: And I think that that…
IZ: Is key.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: Because I think a lot of folks tuning in are looking for something solid, stable.
Cloie: One hundred percent.
IZ: Versus, you know, the whole, you know, temporary…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: This, the fact that this can possibly be permanent for you is great. Great opportunity.
Cloie: Yeah, well.
IZ: Yeah. Well, that’s what we do here at Connected. So without any further ado, we’re going to move on to Grind Op #2.
Cloie: Wait, but before we do that, we want to shout-out for our newsletter.
IZ: My bad. My bad.
Cloie: Yay.
IZ: I’m moving today, so…
Cloie: Move, move.
IZ:…keep me on schedule. What do we got?
Cloie: Moving on up. Moving on through. Okay, so this is a super special shout-out to Victor Smith. Pop in that photo, please. He is a Film Connection graduate out of Atlanta, Georgia, and he just wrapped up a gig as a camera assistant on a full-length indie feature.
IZ: Dope.
Cloie: Right? And before that, he was working on his whole, his own personal documentary on the EDM scene.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: So shout-out, shout-out, shout-out to Victor. Wonderful, and congratulations. You’ll find out more about him in the newsletter that’s coming out later today. And to find that newsletter, of course, there it is, Now Grind Opp 2.
IZ: Okay. Grind Opp 2. Here we go. Grind Opp 2 is live sound engineer. This is in Las Vegas, Nevada. Shout-out to the audibles who are grinding always…
Cloie: What?
IZ:…in Las Vegas, Nevada. This here is a concert sound and events company who seeks a lead audio technician and support live events and the production department. Ideal candidate will possess knowledge of live concert and event sound. Will be responsible for the proper setup and tear-down of audio equipment. Operation of live sound board required. One to two year of live sound experience preferred.
Cloie: Boom.
IZ: So this is, you know, these kind of things are always cool, especially if you’re a lover of music. Because, you know, being able to actually work at an event…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…see talent, hear music, is always a great thing.
Cloie: And you always talk about live sound, like, how difficult it is, like, making it happen.
IZ: Yeah. It’s difficult because you’re dealing with a variety of things, whether the venue, the room, is there, how’s the soundproofing.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know, then you get into open venues that have no roofs. This is more of an outside kind of setting. So it’s completely different than the application you would use in a studio.
Cloie: Right.
IZ: You know, which is pretty much a fixed environment. And it’s always something, you know, when I look at them, you know, requiring one to two year of experiences, you definitely want to have experience…
Cloie: Right.
IZ:…because you can’t be thrown into this and, you know, be allocated time to figure stuff out.
Cloie: Right.
IZ: That’s why when you get in there, you’ve got to know what you’re doing, because the worst thing you want to do is have a terrible sounding event.
Cloie: Have you ever been in a situation as where you thought the setup was going to be one thing, like, maybe more controlled, and then you find out, oh, no, no, oh, we’re juts open. Has that ever happened to you?
IZ: Yes. Yeah. It actually happens a lot.
Cloie: Does it?
IZ: It does. And it can be a nightmare, you know what I’m saying? Especially when you’re dealing with people who are really, are…when you’re dealing with artists who are really experienced in what they know they want to hear…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…and want to, want the sound to be, and they can articulate it to the sound guy right then and there, yeah, it can become very frustrating. It can ruin a show.
Cloie: Sure.
IZ: You know, you got feedback, you can’t hear the musicians, you can’t hear you in the monitors because there’s no roof, so sound is going everywhere. So it can be a nightmare. And I think, you know, for those of you who are maybe looking to apply for this gig, I mean, those are definitely things you definitely want to be able to know, and that within one or two years, you should have at least…
Cloie: Right.
IZ:…you know, enough experience to keep you afloat in that type of opportunity, so…but yeah, go for it. I mean, a lot…the great thing about Las Vegas is they’ve got bands playing…
Cloie: All the time.
IZ:…all the time. So, you know, that leads to, you know, you working at your spot, meeting somebody at, you know, who works at another spot, you start networking.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: But, you know, Nevada’s a great place for that.
Cloie: Oh yeah.
IZ: You know, just the networking environment, especially in the live, you know…
Cloie: There’s no sleeping in Sin City. Come on now.
IZ: Yeah, Sin City, come on.
Cloie: Come on.
IZ: Lights on all day, 24/7.
Cloie: All day.
IZ: Cha-ching, cha-ching.
Cloie: You don’t even know what kind of day it is.
IZ: Yeah.
Cloie: Are you kidding me? It’s like Tokyo.
IZ: Yup. So that is Grind Opp #2. Again, that is in Nevada.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: All right. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Cloie: Before we move to Grind Opp #3, I think we should…
IZ: Yeah.
Cloie: We should say, get your questions in, guys.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: Because Q&A comes up real hard and real fast.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: I think that’s the phrase of the day. Frase del dia.
IZ: And we also, Cloie, we also have our scholarship semi-finalists.
Cloie: We do. Oh my word.
IZ: Let’s see that graphic. Let’s see it.
Cloie: Oh my word. Pop it in.
IZ: Um-hum. Okay. Now…
Cloie: Alex, Dederick, Edwin, Tyler, Alexander, Nathaniel.
IZ: We got some of these folks that actually have a decent amount of voters going for them.
Cloie: Sure do.
IZ: So it’s…
Cloie: The front runners right now?
IZ: Yeah, the front runners, it’s looking strong, so…
Cloie: Our front runners…
IZ: I would say everybody, get your folks together, get your community together, get them to vote for you. Because we’ve got somebody who’s got, like, over 600 votes in for them, themself.
Cloie: I mean…
IZ: So it’s…it’s real. And there’s the link right there, so, you know, make sure your folks are voting for you.
Cloie: Get them out.
IZ: Because the competition is looking fierce.
Cloie: Coming around the bend, we’ve got in the lead, in the lead…
IZ: Yeah, it’s coming down to…
Cloie: Wait. Our three, though, our three front runners right now, we’ve got Katz, we’ve got Doyo, we’ve got Cassandra. They are all, I mean, it’s an open match for…
IZ: Yeah.
Cloie:…the fourth finalist, and we’ll be picking the four finalists next week. That’s the 13th.
IZ: There you go.
Cloie: Where we’ll be also at Roland.
IZ: Yeah, we will be back at Roland on the 13th, so definitely stay tuned for that. Let’s move on.
Cloie: Love it.
IZ: Grind Opp #3. Cloie, I’m going to let you take this one down.
Cloie: Bam. Grind Opp #3 is in Mt. Holly, New Jersey. It’s for an audio engineer. Top studio in Mt. Holly seeks experienced audio engineer. Self-motivated and able to work independently, record/mix sounds and vocals, arrive early to set up and prepare studio for recording sessions. Certificate in audio engineering preferred. And that is coming to you, again, out of Mt. Holly, New Jersey.
Let’s talk about this certificate. A certificate for audio engineering.
IZ: They get certificates.
Cloie: Dig it.
IZ: Yeah. And you got, you know, and of course you’ve got engineers that are rogue engineers that…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…are really great, never really went through the institutions or anything for their, you know, their craft. But, you know, engineering’s one of those things where if you’ve been around it long enough and you’ve, you know, you got a group of folks that you have learned from…
Cloie: Sure.
IZ: I mean, it’s…you know, it’s something that’s definitely not driven by a textbook, you know? It’s driven by, you know, just real-time experience, playing with knobs, learning sound.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: But I know for this, you know, it’s a completely different expectation. So doesn’t mean you can’t apply for it.
Cloie: Sure.
IZ: You know, if you’re an engineer that maybe doesn’t have that certification, or…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…or anything. But if, as long as you’ve got the experience, as long as you’ve got maybe some credits, a list of projects that you’ve worked on and have been a part of.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know, that, to me, that’s a certificate in this…
Cloie: Well, yeah.
IZ: That certifies you, so…definitely something to think about. I think it’s a great opportunity. And where’s that located again? What was it?
Cloie: Mt. Holly, New Jersey.
IZ: New Jersey. Now, you know, I know for a fact in New Jersey, especially New York, there’s a lot of engineers…
Cloie: Oh man.
IZ:…up there, so I hope you guys are tuning in today, because that could be a cool opportunity for you guys, okay?
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: So definitely check that out. What else have we got before we get into this next Grind Opp?
Cloie: Ooh, oh, our brand-new toy. I guess it’s not so brand-new, but it feels brand-new. Is our Facebook Messenger app.
IZ: Yes, yes.
Cloie: Damn.
IZ: And I really hope you guys are taking advantage of what this app does for you. You know, it…
Cloie: Closing that gap.
IZ: Because this puts you in a position to network with other creators, list your work.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: List your fee which you charge. I mean, it’s just an overall good tool to be using, you know?
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: If you’re in the game, like, you know, you should be definitely checking that out daily. I mean, like I said, I always play with it.
Cloie: You do.
IZ: Because I always like to just see what it’s going to tell me, you know?
Cloie: True.
IZ: And also too, it actually lets you know how many miles you’re away from a possible job opportunity…
Cloie: Yeah.
IZ:…pertaining on, you know, to what field you’re into.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: [inaudible 00:16:02]
Cloie: I love something that’s geo-based.
IZ: Right?
Cloie: Like, I love it. I just love it. Where am I? Here.
IZ: Here.
Cloie: Wherever I’m supposed to be.
IZ: Right.
Cloie: So if you want to get connected with the app, don’t forget, in the subject, Facebook in the subject, we…shout-out with your, the services you offer, where you’re located, a sample of your work, your name, your city, your state, put all of that in an email with a subject of Facebook so that you can be included in our Facebook messenger app.
IZ: Bam. You let them have it.
Cloie: Bam.
IZ: Bam. Moving on.
Cloie: We should also…wait, we’re mention…oh, did we say Team Backpack? Did we talk about that already?
IZ: Go ahead, honey. I’mma let you take it if that’s what you…go for it.
Cloie: I’m just saying it because it’s true. I’m just here to speak my truth…
IZ: Okay.
Cloie:…for some Monday movement.
IZ: Okay.
Cloie: But we are hooking up with Team Backpack on the World Underground 2017 in LA, and that’s going to be June 2nd and 3rd. Guess what we got? We got a video.
Narrator: Team Backpack is a global phenomenon.
IZ: Bam.
Narrator: From the Brooklyn streets to the slums of Indiana. Team Backpack represents the ability to give voice to the voiceless. We believe hip-hop is the most important tool for this generation. With it, we influence positivity, self-awareness, and change throughout the world.
The Team Backpack network reaches 55 million unique users a week online and is currently listed at six in the top 10 Facebook pages for media and news in America, with a 22% engagement rate.
For eight years, Team Backpack has reinvented the hip-hop festival by producing a live competitive event called World Underground that brings in thousands of live spectators and millions of viewers online. From Ghostface Killah to DJ Kid Capri, the best hip-hop enthusiasts from all over the world congregate, perform, and celebrate the art of hip-hop live at the World Underground Festival.
Unlike most festivals, each event is filmed and audio is recorded to provide bite-size, high-quality content to distribute via internet, television, and radio, all in an effort to expose new talent to new audiences. This content serves as native advertising, encouraging people to come to future events. World Underground content collectively reaches tens of millions of people weekly, and is some of the most viewed hip-hop content on the internet.
Cloie: Well.
IZ: That’s really dope. Shout-out to Team Backpack on that. You know, I love seeing that culture, you know?
Cloie: Yeah.
IZ: That culture resonates with me so much, because it’s something I’ve always been a part of throughout my musical journey. So shout-out to them for what they’re doing and just how they’re connecting that experience with everyone else around the world.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know what I’m saying? That’s really dope. Happy to be a part of that. Happy to be a, have them as a part of the Connected family.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: Really good stuff.
Cloie: I know.
IZ: Really good stuff.
Cloie: And I think I’ll be there to cover it.
IZ: You should be there.
Cloie: I think I’m going to be there.
IZ: Miss Fancy Thing.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:19:16] Hey, guys. Hi, I’m Cloie from Connected. Can I interview you?
IZ: Cool. All right, Cloie, let’s move this thing forward. Grind Opp #4 of today’s Monday is camera operator, Long Island, New York. Long Island production company looking for a camera operator to film sporting events in Long Island. You must own prosumer/professional video camera that records on SD cards. Knowledge of lacrosse [“la-crow-see”] is beneficial but not required. Will train if necessary. Please be local or willing to travel to Long Island.
Now, did I say that right?
Man: Lacrosse [“la-cross”].
IZ: Lacrosse. All right.
Cloie: That, let me tell you, lacrosse. I don’t play sports.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: But here’s what I can tell you about lacrosse. It’s, like, a basket on a stick, and you’re running around trying to put a ball, throw the ball and catch it with your stick. I failed at it in school.
IZ: No…but, no wonder why I pronounced it wrong.
Cloie: Like…
IZ: I’m from the hood. We played basketball and football.
Cloie: [snorts laughing] Oh no!
IZ: We didn’t play badminton. We didn’t play badminton, none of that, so…lacrosse. Okay. Got it.
Cloie: Lacrosse. [inaudible 00:20:22] Don’t play that damn game. Just kidding.
IZ: You know, can we pull that graphic up one more time? Because I want to really kind of chime in on some of these details.
So…you must own prosumer/professional video camera that records onto SD cards. So I think, you know, the key thing, too, with a lot of these jobs is, you know, even on the engineering side, like, a lot of cats I know who are engineers have somewhat of some gear.
Cloie: Yes.
IZ: You know, so even in this particular Grind Opp, it’s always good to at least have some gear…
Cloie: Have the gear.
IZ:…that you have on hand that allows you to, you know…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…do what you love to do. Your work.
Cloie: One hundred percent.
IZ: You know, so the fact that they’re asking or expecting you to have some prosumer gear, hey, man…
Cloie: Have a camera.
IZ:…you should have some type of a piece of equipment that you’re able to, you know, shoot your work on.
Cloie: And that’s the other thing, though, too. And that’s not saying, like, okay, because gear, and all of it’s expensive. We all get that. But there’s so many ways to make things happen nowadays, right?
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: They’re very specific, and they want you to have a camera, which is a, that is an investment if you’re in that world. And I will also say that if you maybe can’t afford what that specific piece of gear is…not for this Grind Opp. I’m talking about in life. Don’t let that deter you.
IZ: Correct.
Cloie: Grab your iPhone. Make some stuff happen. Again, not for that Grind Opp. They’re very specific about what they want. But just in life.
IZ: Right.
Cloie: You’ve got, everybody’s got to get started somewhere.
IZ: Absolutely.
Cloie: You know?
IZ: Totally with you, honey. And again, that was in Long Island, New York.
Cloie: Long Island.
IZ: For those of you who are, you know, looking to be a camera operator.
Cloie: Long Island.
IZ: Definitely can make it happen. Now, before we get into this last Grind Opp, which isn’t really our last Grind Opp, because we’ve got five additional.
Cloie: We sure do.
IZ: Folks, get your questions together, because we want to be able to dive into these questions that you have for me and Cloie, because that’s really what the show is about, too.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: So with that being said, we’re going to move into this fifth Grind Opp of the day.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:22:24]
IZ: Cloie, I’m going to let you take this one down.
Cloie: Ooh, okay.
IZ: You got this one.
Cloie: Yay. Okay, so this is for an on-air hip-hop personality in Lafayette, Louisiana.
IZ: Hm.
Cloie: Lafayete hip-hop station is offering a great opportunity for an afternoon drive personality who is passionate about music and broadcasting. Must have strong ability to connect with listeners via content, phones, social media, and appearances. Must have a knowledge of the current hip-hop scene.
IZ: Hm.
Cloie: Dig it. And again, that’s coming to you out of Lafayette, Louisiana. Well.
IZ: That’s actually, that sounds fun, but I think that’s…requires a specific…
Cloie: Person.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know, when I think of radio, especially in that light…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…I think of personality.
Cloie: All the way.
IZ: I think of energy, energetic.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: I think of…
Cloie: A sense of humor.
IZ: Just charismatic.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: I think a sense of humor. Because you’ve got to be able to attract listeners and keep their attention. And, you know, a lot of folks, you know, maybe look at radio as something they’d like to do.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: But radio and that kind of road is something you’ve got to know that this is what I’m going to do.
Cloie: Yup.
IZ: This is what I do. This is what I love to do. This isn’t for, you know, if you’re kind of…maybe not a people person.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: Or kind of just laid-back, kind of shy.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: This definitely isn’t for you, you know? And the great thing with radio is this isn’t the only job that comes in radio.
Cloie: No.
IZ: But for this one, especially with the hip-hop singing, and they’re asking that you be familiar, and obviously a student of this particular genre, is very key.
Cloie: And you can’t fake it. If you are not a student of the hip-hop…
IZ: You can’t fake the funk.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You can’t fake it.
Cloie: I think the other thing for radio that we forget, too, is that you have to have a voice that is appealing to listen to.
IZ: Yeah, yeah. Like my voice. You know, my voice is, like, you know…
Cloie: I…listen, I’m just going to sit here with my eyes closed for the rest of the show. IZ, where are you? Just talk to me.
IZ: I’m right here, honey.
Cloie: Talk to me, IZ.
IZ: I’m right here, baby.
Cloie: I can feel you.
IZ: Yeah, you feel that bass?
Cloie: I can feel that bass.
IZ: See?
Cloie: It’s all about that bass.
IZ: See, it’s knowing when to, like…
Cloie: About that bass.
IZ: It’s knowing to put, knowing when to put the extras on your voice.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know?
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: But yeah, you know, this just sounds like, it sounds fun.
Cloie: [high-pitched] I mean, if I was on the radio and I talked like this, would you want to listen to me?
IZ: Heck no. I would, like, I would jump out my car. I would jump out my car. I’d get home and I ain’t want to hear anything anyone has to say to me.
Cloie: [high-pitched] Hello? No, no, more or less. I sound like Michelay.
IZ: Yeah, you do. Man, they don’t know who Mich-…that was a hundred years ago.
Cloie: Sorry.
IZ: But, yeah, I mean, just…not to just kind of, you know, joke about it, but it’s serious.
Cloie: It’s real.
IZ: You know, like, that voice is really key…
Cloie: Um-hum. Um-hum.
IZ:…in this environment. And, you know, we’ve had…even in LA, we’ve had some good female, like, radio, like, you know, Spinderella.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: We’ve had a couple, you know, that just sound good on the mic, you know? So, you know, I think, too, what’s cool about that is you, you know, as far as applying for this job, I think you could be creative, because you could, like…
Cloie: Oh yeah.
IZ: You can do your own, record your own little, like…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…mock show, and do your whole thing, and I think that’s a great way to, you know, add to your application, right?
Cloie: Add something.
IZ: Add something, a little something extra. By the way, here’s a mock show I did for…
Cloie: Here’s a mock show that I did.
IZ: For you to kind of just get a feel of…
Cloie: What I do.
IZ:…me, my character, what I do. And a lot of these folks have radio names. Like, what’s your radio name?
Cloie: You’ve got to have a radio name.
IZ: Yeah.
Cloie: Oh, guys, if you have a radio name, please put it in the chat right now, because we want to hear it.
IZ: Yeah. If you have a radio name.
Cloie: If you have a radio name or if you have a stripper name, I want to know.
Wait, wait. Back when I was growing up, there was…shout-out to the DC metropolitan area.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: WPGC95. After a certain hour, it turned into Love Talk and Slow Jams.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: We all know what that is. But the announcer, to this day, the music’ll go, [hums].
IZ: Oh, that song?
Cloie: [low-pitched] And at…welcome to Love Talk and Slow Jams, WPGC95.5. And this is stuff you remember.
IZ: Yeah, it is.
Cloie: This is stuff you remember.
IZ: The extra low, deep, Barry White…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know?
Cloie: And a stripper name.
IZ: Stripper names. Yes. Okay. Well, Cloie, that is our fifth Grind Opp of the day.
Cloie: Is it? Already?
IZ: That is. That is. What do we got up next? What’s our layout? Talk to me.
Cloie: Oh, great. So what we have next…hold on. Just kidding. So you all know we, every week, we feature something from our School of Hard Knocks…
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie:…which is where we get to check in with you…
IZ: Yup.
Cloie:…with the big boss, about life on the job training, basically, which is everything that we do here at RRFC, and just in life.
So this week we are…this installment, rather, is all about externships and how to be the perfect extern. So I think we should listen to it. What do you say? Um-hum. Here we go.
IZ (on recording): So let’s say from a 17-year-old, I’m going to bring them into a session, and they’re an aspiring engineer, aspiring musician. For me, the don’ts, simple. Don’t be noticed. Be a fly on the wall. When I say “fly on the wall” to this generation, or I bring it up in conversation, they don’t even know what it means.
And the don’t is always, nobody asked for your opinion. You haven’t earned the right to have an opinion yet. A wise man told me, “A sponge never talks,” right? A sponge never talks. Man, sponge it, sponge it, sponge it. So the don’t for me is, in certain environments, man, just be quiet and learn. You can’t be exuding things when you’re supposed to be taking in things. And that’s 101.
And the dos are, after you have sponged, boy, you’d better know how to do something. And you’ll find that in various fields and pockets, that that rule of thumb exists everywhere. You’ve got to get in there, and you’ve just got to absorb and just learn. And when that time comes, when the tables turn, there’s your chance. But at least you’ve done your due diligence, you’ve absorbed as much as you possibly can, and you’ve learned.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:28:43]
IZ: So just to kind of chime in on, you know, that was one of those things where I felt like, you know, sometimes you kind of just have to convey it not in a way that puts you in a light of being a jerk, but…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…you know, I think for people who nece-…like, who just dive in based off of their talent and their ability kind of come in with this one-track mindset.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: And it takes all the other things to really allow that talent to take effect.
Cloie: True.
IZ: You know? So I just want folks to understand that, you know, it’s more about taking in the information…
Cloie: Right.
IZ:…than it is projecting your skill a lot of times, you know?
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: Your skill is what gets you to the event, right? But it’s your know-hows which carries you through that and allows you to have a lifespan…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…within those environments. So, you know, sometimes you’ve just got to say what it is. I mean, that’s the School of Hard Knocks, you know? So I was just like, look, this is what it is. Shut up.
Cloie: It’s not called Soft Knocks, that’s for sure.
IZ: Just be quiet, you know? Just be quiet and learn.
Cloie: Just shut the…up.
IZ: Because, you know what I’m saying? Like, just learn, you know? And that’s the key thing, I think, with anything you’re looking to, you know, pursue, it’s really about, you know, your ability to learn.
Cloie: Yeah.
IZ: And maneuver, and, you know, the talent is what gets you the meeting. That gets you the meeting. But it’s everything else that keeps you there.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: And so definitely something to keep in mind. But I won’t stay on that too much longer.
Cloie: That’s a life fact, though, here.
IZ: Hey, you know, I mean…
Cloie: That’s a fact of life.
IZ: You know?
Cloie: You take the good, you take the bad.
IZ: Absolutely.
Cloie: You take the…
IZ: So, Cloie, how about our additional five Grind Opps that we have?
Cloie: Oh.
IZ: Let’s talk about that real quick.
Cloie: [singing] Mi mi mi mi mi!
Okay, so our additional Grind Opps this week are coming to you, ooh, in Honolulu, Hawaii, a casting assistant.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: We’ve got a recording and audio editor in Washington, DC. Also in recording, an audio production assistant in New York, New York. Start spreading that news. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, we’ve got a board operator in the field of radio. And in culinary, a cruise ship junior sous chef.
IZ: Wow, that sounds cool.
Cloie: Mm, I love a chef.
IZ: Now, where’s the…I wonder where the culi-…that opportunity’s based out of.
Cloie: That’s a good question. We don’t know.
IZ: We’ll figure that out. Also too, I think that’s our first time having a Grind Opp in Hawaii, if I’m not mistaken. First time Hawaii.
Cloie: Oh, I, listen, never been in Hawaii.
IZ: I actually know a couple folks in Hawaii. I might…I’m curious to see if they’ll hit me up, you know, and inquire about this job in Hawaii. That’d be cool.
Cloie: Ooh, we should do a Connected from Hawaii. What say you?
IZ: Wouldn’t that be cool?
Cloie: Wouldn’t that be amazing?
IZ: We should do that during the summer.
Cloie: I think so, yes.
IZ: We should go to the beach.
Cloie: Just, yeah.
IZ: Just chilling out.
Cloie: You in a bikini.
IZ: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Cloie: Me in my board shorts. I think that’d be great.
IZ: Yeah, I think that’d be awesome.
Cloie: That’s a great…
IZ: I think that’d be awesome.
Cloie: I could get in on that.
IZ: Okay, so are we…
Cloie: It’s time for some QA?
IZ:…moving on to our QA?
Cloie: Our “qua.”
IZ: Let me…because we’re high-tech now, so we get to chat with you guys on our cell.
Cloie: Guys, we’re live. This is what’s really happening right now.
IZ: What do we got?
Cloie: We say…our team has a lot to say today. The questions are coming in. I see dots. In the meantime, I’m just going to take this opportunity to take a photo, because we’re live, and then I’m going to post it. [inaudible 00:32:09]
IZ: Okay, you take that one. I’m going to answer Desiree [“deh-zer-ay”].
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: Or Desiree [“deh-zer-ee”], from Nashville, an RC grad. Shout-out to her. She’s an RC grad. Has the DJ name Holy Day…
Cloie: Dig it.
IZ:…been taken? I don’t, I’m not sure what that question is, but…oh, I haven’t heard it. I mean, I haven’t heard anybody…
Cloie: Named Holy Day?
IZ:…Holy Day, so…
Cloie: I haven’t heard it.
IZ: I say take it and run with it.
She says, “In what ways can an engineer/songwriter/producer brand…producer…” Okay, let me start over. “In what ways can an engineer/songwriter/producer brand herself? I find that being a behind the scenes person is a different road when branding my businesses versus an artist, where it seems self-explanatory: show off your personality. How does an engineer/songwriter/producer brand?”
I think…
Cloie: Hm.
IZ:…a songwriter/producer brands by the quality of work they do and produce. I think as a producer or songwriter, your work speaks for yourself.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: However, the other side is, of that is being visual amongst the community of songwriters…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…and producers. Which isn’t hard to do with all the platforms we have, whether it’s Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, it’s not hard for anybody to visually brand themselves anymore.
Cloie: Sure.
IZ: It’s just a matter of what other moving pieces you can add to that.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: So if you’re a songwriter, let’s say you’re always, you know, showing some type of image that reflects that on, let’s say, your Instagram or Facebook.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: That’s one way. The other part of that is actually showing up to events that might be going on, meeting folks, networking.
Cloie: Hm.
IZ: Those are kind of the…that’s, like, steps 101 on how to, like, brand yourself. And really just utilizing those existing platforms.
Cloie: Here’s a question. This is a follow-up to that. I know sometimes on the acting side of it, with a brand, you can become known as, like, I don’t know, the go-to cop, or the go-to this type of thing.
IZ: Right, right, right.
Cloie: Does that translate into music? Like, you brand yourself through a specific genre? Or does that limit you?
IZ: No, I think, you know, I don’t think it’s ever a good thing to just stay attached to a specific genre.
Cloie: Right.
IZ: I think you just, you brand yourself as a creator of music.
Cloie: Right.
IZ: Period. And your work, once you circulate it amongst that community, then it kind of just speaks for itself…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…and people begin to, you know, have their own ideas or opinions about what it is you do or how well you do it and what they love about it.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: And you kind of just build upon that. You know, there’s SoundCloud, AudioMac, there’s an array of platforms for you to brand your work, and all you’ve got to do is put the visual piece with it.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know, which lends itself to your other social media platforms.
Cloie: Dig it.
IZ: So, there you go.
Cloie: This is straight from the mouth of the horse. Grab your saddles.
IZ: The horse. Here we go. Randy…
Cloie: Mike is laughing at me. Hi, Mike.
IZ: What up, Mike?
Cloie: We’re live.
IZ: Rodney from New York is, “I think I’m losing the ability to chill and create music. As a songwriter, how do you chill out and just play? I’m always criticizing my own work.”
Cloie: Um-hum. That’s real.
IZ: Okay, well, I think, you know, everybody’s, you know, some shape or form a perfectionist on what they do, which you have to be. But I think, too, it comes with knowing your competition and looking at your competition and saying, okay, how can I be better in these areas, which will allow me to compete at the highest level I possibly can?
So you never stop. You’ve got to…you never stop wanting to be a competitor, first of all.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: Because you wanting to be a competitor is what’s going to keep you practicing that craft and continue giving it a go. But he said, “I think I’m losing the ability to chill and create music.” And, you know, sometimes that happens. Sometimes you’ve got to step away from it for a second. Because music is a very creative process, and sometimes you’ve got to step out so that you can get out and live a little so that you can take in more.
Cloie: Right. Get the block…
IZ: You know, because it’s all inspirationally driven.
Cloie: Yeah.
IZ: You know, you pull from places, it’s like, your cup has to be refilled.
Cloie: Yes.
IZ: You know, the only way to refill that is you’ve got to get out and experience some life. You’ve got to maybe have a conversation with a stranger, maybe see something on, in your city on the street that happens or, you know…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: That’s how you replenish your creativity, you know? So sometimes you do have to step away from it.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: And as a musician, it’s always good to just break away and just play. Play without having a creative destination, you know what I’m saying?
Cloie: Ooh.
IZ: Just play. Just jam, you know? Just jam. Just play.
Cloie: I’ve got to write that down, IZ. Play without having a creative de-…this, guys, this is really what’s happening now.
IZ: Yeah.
Cloie: I’m taking notes from the horse.
IZ: Because it’s key as a creator, you know, sometimes we get into this thing where we have a specific target, and what…and that target of what we have in our minds is what we’re aiming to hit all the time.
Cloie: Yup.
IZ: Sometimes you’ve just got to get in there with no target and flesh things out.
Cloie: Yup.
IZ: You know? So I hope that helps you out, my man.
Cloie: Taking notes.
IZ: Again, that was Rodney from New York.
Ella, “I want to act, but I’m totally a character actor type, not a leading lady. I also write. Should I just make an indie to get known, find representation?” I’ll let you have that, Cloie, because this…
Cloie: Right.
IZ: This is your role.
Cloie: So here’s what I’mma say. First off, Ella, fantastic and congratulations to you for identifying what your type is, right? I think that one of the traps that we all fall into as actors is not knowing…when we talk about brand and all, like, that sort of stuff.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: Not knowing where we fit, right? It’s not a reflection or characterization of who we are as people. It is just in terms of, if I’m looking at you with a split second decision, you know, where do you fit?
IZ: Right.
Cloie: You know? And then “character” is so large. What kind of character actor are you? Again, not a reflection of you, Ella, as a person. You know, you be who you are, who you live in your truth.
You want to make your own project, by all means, make your own project. If you are making your own project, do it for the love of it, as opposed to the…yes. Making your project as a marketing vessel, right? But there’s so many roads to Rome in that, in and of itself, that you have to make sure whatever project you’re making, you adore first, because you’re going to be stuck with it for a while. And when nobody else is believing in it, you have to believe in it.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: Right? I think that there’s lots of ways to get representation. If you have friends that have representation, you can ask. It’s always a tricky question.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: But there’s no harm in asking. There are workshops you can do. There’s, like, a thing…there’s been kind of a crackdown on them, but we’re not going to talk about it. But, you know, there are ways to find agents. You can do submission, email submissions. You can do mail submissions. You can crash an office. I’ve done that before.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: When I wanted to get…and it worked. So that was great. I think that if you know who you are, you know how to package yourself and brand yourself, that is the first step. So that way if you have three seconds to sell yourself to somebody, boom, I’m this, I’m this, I’m that, and this is what I can do, boom, and put it out there.
But yeah, I do think having some sort of a visual representation of who you are is great. I think that if you want to shoot the movie, go and shoot the movie. I also think that there are ways that you can go, there are places you can go that you can just maybe shoot a scene or two that highlight what it is that you do. String them together and make yourself a reel, girl. Make it happen. Yes to the character. Love character.
IZ: Um-hum. Shout-out to my man Katz. It’s funny. He doesn’t have a question.
Cloie: He doesn’t.
IZ: Katz is one of our faithfuls. He’s been checking in on us since day one.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: And he says, “IZ, watch looks heavy. How can he DJ so smooth with it on?” You’re a fool, man.
By the way, Katz. Yo, man, I’m pulling for you, okay, on the scholarship, but there’s some fierce competition, man. So, like, get your folks, get your community together, because we need you to come in with these votes, man. Like, you’ve been here since day one.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: So, you know, you focus on my watch.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: Now you’d better focus on them votes, son.
Cloie: Oh! Oh! And Katz is in Southern California. Thanks, Katz.
IZ: Shout-out to Katz.
Cloie: You’re in Southern California right now?
IZ: That’s my man. That’s my man.
Cloie: No. Where were you? Wait, did you move? Did he move?
IZ: You know, he’s always on the go.
Cloie: You’re everywhere.
IZ: He’s on the grind, you know? Like…
Cloie: Oh, I don’t know where Katz is. Where in the world is Katz Carter? I don’t know.
IZ: Charles from Denver. “My friends make fun of me for not picking a genre. I’m all over EDM, old-school electro, even rap. IZ, I know what you say, but it bugs me. What should I do?”
Cloie: What do you say about what, though?
IZ: I’m not sure. Can we get some clarification on…
Cloie: What did he say that made you mad?
IZ: “I know what you say, but it bugs me. What should I do? My friends make fun of me for not picking a genre.”
Cloie: Wait, Charles, can you clarify? I just want to know what he…
IZ: Yeah, can you…actually, let’s clarify what it is you do.
Cloie: And what IZ said that bugs you. Oh, about not sticking to just one genre.
IZ: Oh, let’s see.
Cloie: Why does that bug you, Charles?
IZ: Is he a DJ? Producer? Engineer?
Cloie: What do you do, Charles? What do you do? He’s a music maker and future engineer.
IZ: Oh, okay. You know, the thing with…being that you are a music, a creator, I think it’s important for you to know, you know, all genres, you know?
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: And if that’s how you create, if you want to create EDM one day, if you want to create, you know, R&B or hip-hop the next day, or country, like, man, you’re a creator. That’s…who…you know, who are we to tell you to not create what you want to create, you know?
Cloie: And who are your friends to tell you?
IZ: Yeah, so, you know, I think at some point when it lends itself to maybe a specific project and you’ve got to zero in on a specific genre, then that’s what you do.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know, and the great thing about being a student of music is you become a library of creativity so that let’s say, you know, you do get a call one day to create music for something that’s a little bit out of your comfort zone. You’re at least able to kind of, like, you know, still come within range of what that project is asking for.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know, and that all comes with just being a student of music, not just one specific genre. Also too, you know, I think it’s important for you to also have the confidence in what you do as a music lover, you know? Because at the end of the day…
Cloie: Who cares what he says? Who cares what your friends say?
IZ: Yeah, who cares what anybody says?
Cloie: Yeah.
IZ: You know, you create from your heart, the source of creativity, and you just go. You know, like I said, the key thing is being able to zero in when you need to zero in on a specific genre and be able to create that, is what’s key for you. Because as you find yourself being in different opportunities, not everybody’s going to want, you know, EDM. Should you pass out on the opportunity because you only know one gear? No, you should all, you should know all the gears.
You know, for me, even as a musician, I’m able to do a variety of music because it starts with the fundamentals for me of a creator, which is I can get on an instrument and play whatever I need to play, whether it’s country, whether it’s folk. I know the sounds. I know the treatments.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: I can go anywhere. And I think as a creator, it’s important for you to understand the benefit of being able to go everywhere authentically, you know? And that only comes with knowing your stuff, so…
Cloie: [sings] Well.
IZ: I hope that helps you out.
Monique Pomona. All right, what up, P-town. Down the street from me. “My boyfriend…”
Cloie: Now I know where you live.
IZ: “My boyfriend is an audio engineer.”
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: “I want to learn about…” Sorry. “I want to learn, but he refuses to show me anything.”
Cloie: What? What?
IZ: “Where can I look to learn more, find out if I should pursue this?”
Cloie: Well, the YouTube is wonderful, but why is he, why doesn’t he want to show her?
IZ: I don’t know. I, you know, probably because it’s a male-driven field.
Cloie: See?
IZ: I know.
Cloie: That would make me want to learn even more.
IZ: Well, let me just tell you, first of all…
Cloie: Wait a minute.
IZ: First of all, if you want to learn anything in that field, I mean, the best place to do is the Recording Radio Film Connection, which you can find on our website, which is
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: There’s no…I don’t have any other answer for you other than you need to check out the Recording Radio and Film Connection.
Cloie: Come here. Come here, Monique. Let me tell you something.
IZ: There you go.
Cloie: Wait, I’m, I’mma say something to Monique. You come here, Monique. Can you hear me? You need to learn even harder. Show him who’s the boss.
IZ: Show him, girl.
Cloie: Show him who’s the boss. And then you shout-out to us, and we will listen.
IZ: Um-hum. Here we go. Stefan from DC wants to know, “Other than my reel, how can I get an agent as a film editor?” Hit that one, Cloie.
Cloie: Well, I mean, submissions, for one thing. You’ve got to get your work out there so that people can see it. I think one thing that you could do…and film editing agents, and getting an agent on that side of it, is a whole other beast, because you have to have your work, essentially. You’ve got to have your work bible to show, and that is your main source.
Other than that, I would say word of mouth. Are there any projects that you could get on, either as an extern, as…I mean, if they don’t know you, can you apply for these editing gigs on these movies in the DC area? Because more and more is coming out there, right? So how can you get involved with productions to build up your…yes, your work, but also, like, your reference list?
Because that’s the other thing is, like, if it’s not a blind submission, or it’s a recommendation, it’s all who you know. So how can you expand your network to include more people that are doing what you do and that can vouch for you?
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: You know, connection that way.
What do we have? Oh.
IZ: Chance from Wooster?
Cloie: Oh, Monique! Hold on. Monique says about her boyfriend…did you see that?
IZ: I did, yeah. She’s going in.
Cloie: She…
IZ: I’ve got to leave that alone. I’ve got to leave that alone.
Cloie: Um-hum. We see you, Monique.
IZ: Again, Monique, Recording Radio Film Connection. That’s how you can definitely be better than him.
Cloie: Wooster. Wooster.
IZ: Chance from Wooster. Here we go. “Mics and singers with a good but small voice. Any suggestions? Female soprano.” What do you think, Cloie?
Cloie: Oh man. So this is the blend of…mm. She’s got a small voice. She’s a female soprano.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: And you’re micing her? I think this is both of us put together on this one, is…I mean, the thing about a female soprano…
IZ: Well, I think, too, I think it…I have to understand the environment a little better.
Cloie: Yeah.
IZ: Because if she’s singing with, you know, a couple of others…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: I think in those kind of scenarios, you have to put her on her own mic…
Cloie: Hm.
IZ:…and then put everybody else on the same mic, and then you just kind of do a blend.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know, that allows you to kind of pop her out without having to push everyone else out.
Cloie: And my other question, then, from a singing perspective is…is all about breath support and where that’s coming from for her. Because, I mean, when there’s no mic, or when the mic capabilities are limited, it does boil down to her to puff up and blow.
IZ: Yeah. And I think, too, she might be one of those singers that has a real soft, airy voice.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: And in those kind of things, you’ve got to just turn up the recording level.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: But also EQ her a little bit, so you give a little bit of body on her vocal.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: And that really lends it…you know, I mean, that comes in, you know, into play depending on how great your gear is.
Cloie: Ah.
IZ: If you’ve got, like, Outboard gear, if you’ve got some vintage gear that’s…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ:…going to give you that warmth. I mean, that, those are definitely the things you want to be able to, you know, to access.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: I know SSL has a great compressor for vocals in those kind of situations. So it’s really just knowing your gear, man, and knowing what you can add to it on that side. Because you’re only going to get so much from her actual vocal…
Cloie: Right.
IZ:…and your mic.
Cloie: And also, what kind of music is it?
IZ: Yeah.
Cloie: Like, what is…I think that’s an important question. Because if it’s opera, baby better puff up and, [clicks tongue] let her rip.
IZ: Yeah, he said, yeah, soft and airy, yeah.
Cloie: Oh, right.
IZ: So for those, for that kind of thing, yeah, you just, you know, get her as close to the mic as you can and then, you know, put maybe just a little verb, put some warmth on her, you know, use a little Outboard gear, and, you know, just dial it in, you know? That takes work, and it also takes, you know, just an array of experience and information as far as, you know, what kind of gear you got and how to apply it.
Cloie: He also says that it’s a solo project, so that’s great. So she’s not competing…
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie:…against any other vocals.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: So there’s that.
IZ: Des in Manhattan. “Just worked a hellacious gig on tour doing roadie stuff.”
Cloie: Whoo!
IZ: Um-hum. “For March 4th. Do you ever burn out?”
Cloie: Yes.
IZ: Absolutely. Absolutely. We’re human beings. I mean, we, you know, we’re, like…we’re vehicles, and we run out of gas.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know, you get burnt out, and, you know, it’s part of the process, and it’s the nature of the beast, you know? And I think, too, what I’ve had to learn even in my day to day is that I work towards a specific goal or regimen as far as late nights, early mornings, that whole nine, and once I get in that groove, you have to stay in it.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: Because you’re…you will get used to it, and you’ll be able to function without getting tired midday or all that stuff. But the thing is, once you get in that groove, you have to stay in it.
Cloie: Right.
IZ: Because when you get out, it’s so hard to get back into it. That’s the thing. It gets harder and harder each time.
Cloie: So what happens, then, when you’re traveling, or there’s some deviation to your regimen? How do you pick it back up?
IZ: You have to stay on it.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: Like, I know, like, if I’m on a regimen, and I’m on a long flight, I’ve got to stay up until those sleeping hours…
Cloie: Come in.
IZ:…come in, you know? And then you just…you know, because once you get up…it takes two to three hours to throw your whole thing off.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: And you, I mean, and it’s, I mean…
Cloie: That’s the thing.
IZ: It’s hard to find.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know?
Cloie: Especially as we get older.
IZ: See, I wasn’t even going to go there, but yes, which…that is very true. That is very true.
Cloie: Oh no. I’ve got to…
IZ: What do you do to recover? You just kind of have to snap back into it, you know?
Cloie: Um-hum. You have to. Like…
IZ: And a lot of it has to do with, like, you know, like, I’ve been doing a lot of…you know, I try to stay active, so, like, you know, I try to play basketball. I try to run when I can. I play a lot of ping-pong.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: And as long as you do something that keeps you active, it…
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: You know, that’ll still kind of get you on that path again. But you’ve got to stay active.
Cloie: I’ll say, from the acting side of it, when I get burned out…because it’ll happen, too, where you went in hard on an audition that was, like, emotional or whatever, and you didn’t get it, or you came close, and all like that. And that’s an easy point to be like, argh, get, you know?
IZ: Yeah.
Cloie: And what to do. So I always try to do something really nice for myself, very, very kind. Something that, like, a…it could be anything from…I mean, I don’t eat ice cream, but if I did, get [lisping] ice cream.
IZ: [imitating lisp] Ice cream?
Cloie: I’ll get a [inaudible 00:52:10] [imitating lisp] ice cream. I get ice cream. I get a mani-pedi.
IZ: What are you, Mike Tyson?
Cloie: [imitating lisp] I get the ice cream and a mani-pedi.
But yeah, to do something, be kind to yourself, and acknowledge, yes, that you are only human.
IZ: Um-hum. Nicole from Baton Rouge. She says, “They say I have a thick accent. Want to work in radio as a DJ. Do I need to lose my accent?”
Cloie: I think no.
IZ: No, I don’t…
Cloie: That’s a part of your charm.
IZ: Yeah, that’s part of your charm.
Cloie: I think that it could help to know how to neutralize it so that you can…and what I mean “neutralize” is, I mean…to take that accent and be able to play it up when you need to and, like, let it loose, or take it out altogether. I think that that’s just a helpful trick, something to know for life.
IZ: Um-hum.
Cloie: But I do also find…I find accents charming. I feel like it’s a shoe-in to get to know you. I have been told I have an accent when I’m in my cups or have had some wine, I am told that my accent kicks in, but I can neutralize it when I need to.
IZ: Neutralize it. You can tone it down.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: This…
Cloie: Because I’m from the country.
IZ: We’ve got another question. I think this is definitely one for you, Cloie.
Cloie: Uh-oh. Ooh!
IZ: Mina from Arcadia, California.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: “Cloie, as an actor, what kind of characters do you like to play?”
Cloie: Oh, baby.
IZ: Oh, shoot.
Cloie: What do I like to play?
IZ: Seeing a side of Cloie I ain’t seen before.
Cloie: I love to play truth seekers. So anybody that is, like, on a mission, right? Detectives. I love to do lawyers. I love to do anything like that, but with, like, a…I also like to play villains a lot.
The other thing is…and I haven’t really told…I think the only person that knows is Doug, because he recorded me doing some voiceover stuff, is that I really want to be the voice of a Disney princess or a cartoon character. Because I do like to do voices.
IZ: I could see that. I could see that.
Cloie: Ooh!
IZ: You’ve got your little characters.
Cloie: [baby voice] I got my characters.
I can do a kickass baby cry, like, [imitates baby crying].
IZ: Cloie, you’re too much. See, you got her going?
Cloie: I…so, shout-out, yeah, those are, my favorite characters to play are truth-seekers, but with, like, a bit of an edge.
IZ: Um-hum. Next question. We got Air from Detroit. “I want to jump in on some live sound stuff just to build my experience, see if I’m all about it. Suggestions?”
Hm, sounds like you’re kind of, like, testing the waters kind of thing?
Cloie: Toeing in.
IZ: I don’t know, man. I don’t know what you do. I mean, do you play an instrument? Do you…you know…I think we should start there. Yeah.
Cloie: So can…pop more information in.
IZ: Yeah, we need more info on that one.
Cloie: In the meantime, folks want to know, are we at the four finalists yet? No, we’re not there.
IZ: No, we’re not. We’re looking to get there. We’re on our way to get [inaudible 00:55:08]…
We’re looking to get there. That’s why, you know, I think it’s key for you guys who have made it to get your votes in.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: Because we’re looking at vote numbers right now.
Cloie: It’s any man’s game.
IZ: Any man’s game. It’s anyone for the taking. But we will be narrowing it down…
Cloie: Next week.
IZ:…next week.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: So definitely…
Cloie: Get them in.
IZ:…stay tuned on that. Cloie, I think that’s about it for our Q&A.
Cloie: Um-hum.
IZ: Let’s see, what else did…anything else you want to cover before we jump on out of here?
Cloie: I mean, we could talk about our social media.
IZ: You know what? Hit them with that info, hon.
Cloie: Guys, Slide 1, hit it. Bam. Find us @IZConnected, [email protected]. For sign-ups and web, find us at Facebook Messenger app,
Slide 2. Hit it. Bam. If you’d like to apply for our jobs, you can visit Of course, make sure you check out all of our resources, Connected Vault. That is And to find out more about our weekly report — that’ll be coming to you later — check us out,
Voice Sample: It’s coming your way.
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