Here are the job opportunities (or as we like to call them, Grind Opps) from this week's show.
Sound Engineer
Industry: Recording
Location: New Orleans, LA
Hotel is looking for a live sound engineer for venue operations and artist communications.

Audio Engineer / Instructor
Industry: Recording
Location: Midlothian, VA
Kids’ after-school program seeks audio engineer to work as part-time instructor.

Cinematographer / Video Editor
Industry: Film
Location: Redmond, WA
Popular outdoor hunting TV and YouTube show needs talented individual to work with host.

Streaming Media Video Producer
Industry: Film
Location: San Francisco, CA
Online business communication company seeks video producer to create on-site productions for INXPO customers.

Media Editor
Industry: Film
Location: Brea, CA
Non-profit organization seeking media editor to assist creative director in editing video material.

What’s up, y’all? Welcome to Connected. I’m your host DJ IZ. For those of you just tuning in, this is our 21st episode. Figured I’d give you a little…in the bag. They’re like…more. Connected is pretty…all about… I want to make sure you guys… .
Connected is pretty self-explanatory. It’s a show that brings job opportunities, mentoring, real life interviews. Just an array of things that align you with the direction you want to go, and for my community that has been following me since day one, we got some great exciting things coming up. I don’t want to spoil it, but we’re going to see some new faces. You’re going to see a whole lot of interviews. You’re going to see a whole another energy to what we’re doing. And shout out to my team who allows me to consistently make this happen for you, guys. I already see I got some folks coming in. What up, Doug [SP] from LA? I see you, man. So a matter of fact, get your Q & A ready so by the time I get all the grinds opps, we can head off these questions and just get you as much information as I can.
So check it out. Last week, we’re at our 100-job milestone mark where we, at this point, we’re at show 21. We’ve presented at over a hundred jobs. So that was a huge, huge deal for us last week. So I’m glad that you guys are catching up with me. Today, actually Maria [SP] got a welcome from Brazil. So what up, Maria? Shout out, thank you for joining us here Monday morning. And, man, just overall I’m excited about what’s coming up, what we got coming for you guys, and I think it’s a great thing for most of you who’ve been…which is, social media handle IZconnected . Great way for you guys to stay connected to us, to track our day-to-day moment and see what’s going on in the real world because that’s what we’re all about. It’s not just about me being in a room and sharing information. It’s really about you guys being able to see how it goes down in the real work environment. All right?
So we’re going to kick off our grind opps today moving forward. We are in the field of recording. This is for my sound engineers. Hotel is looking for a live sound engineer for venue operations and artist communications. This is New Orleans. New Orleans, Louisiana. So let me drop some of these details. Sound engineer. New Orleans hotel looking for live sound engineer for venue operations, artist communications. Responsibilities will include maintenance of in-house system setup and breakdown, gear liaison between hotel and bands, report to and work directly with cultural engineer and production manager. Time management is a must for this position. Candidate must have a positive attitude, a true love for music, and a desire to give musicians and the audience the best experience possible. Treating artists with the utmost respect is essential to this position.
So usually before I get in the grind opps, I always tell you guys to get your pen and get you pads because you want to take down all this information. So as you can see this one, we got a lot of detailed information going on. So back to this particular grind opp, time management is a must for this position. Now over the course of 20 shows up, I’ve stressed structure, being on point when it comes to time, over-performing, getting in there, and really being able to excel and go beyond what the job is asking for. I think these are all crucial fundamentals of working, and working in an environment like this because you just want to make sure that you’re on point in all these different areas, Being able to manage time is a very, very hard thing to do for a lot of folks. I know for me, it came through just learning experiences.
So it’s one of those things where you map out your day and you don’t let your day get away from you. You keep on point because one late thing that comes up in your day or one person’s off time, you’d be surprised that how much you can really shift your day and throw everything else off. So you got to really be strict on it. And the great thing is they’re looking for a live sound engineer for venue operations, so I know we got a whole lot of live sound engineer students at the Recording Connection. So this is another great opportunity for you guys, but it’s also a good thing for you guys to know your gear. I always say when you get into data environments, you’re probably used to working with one particular piece of equipment. It’s always best to know an array of equipment.
I’ve been in situations where I’ve worked in these particular live settings and the venue has actually got a new sound guy, and it slows us down because he’s coming in and he’s still learning the board. He’s still learning the room, and that can really, really slow down the work flow of things and things I need to happen. So that’s crucial. You’ll also be a liaison between hotel and bands. So just that within itself, it’s really knowing the language, knowing just how to interact and engage in those particular different individuals, bands. It’s different than talking to hotels, and talking to hotels is different than talking to bands.
So you really just want to be a people person. You want to be very assertive, but you want to be also…you want to send off the vibe that you’re listening and you wanted to complement what it is that they like to achieve, what they sell. And being able to work through all the kinks and stuff is crucial because in these environments, you get folks that set up. You got a buzz. You got a hum, and they just want to get that taken care of so they can move forward and get to playing and checking this up.
So being able to work with those things fast and efficient is really, really, really great. Dealing with hotel, so you got to be business savvy. You got to know the language of business and how to present yourself and how to just make things flow in a way that the personnel of the hotel can really get what you are now. Report directly with cultural engineer or production manager. So you’ll be working with other folks. That’s another important thing I tell folks all the time on this show. Know how to work with people. Be humble and be able to listen and be able to deliver. That’s really key.
So they want you to be passionate also. So you got to have a true love for music, and I would assume that anybody, engineering, recording, even film, it’s just you want to be passionate about what you’re doing. You want to love what it is that you do, and you want to show up and emote those things. So energy in these environments is always a great, great thing. Always a plus. And I’m sure, this last detail was treating artists with the utmost respect is central to this position, and I’m sure you already what the get down as you get into these environments. You treat everybody with respect. And you’ll run into artists that got a foul attitude, sitting high on a horse, and you got to just, man, in one ear, out the other, and just get you need to do your job with grace. All right?
So that is the details for grind opp number one. We’re moving on to grind opp number two. This is in the field of recording. Again, audio engineer instructor. Kids after school program seeks audio engineer to work as part-time instructor. This is in Midlothian, VA. Details for this are kids after school program seeking an audio engineer to work as part-time instructor. Audio engineer will teach basic Pro Tools and music sequencing. Audio engineer will be responsible for coordinating set up, break down and recording birthday parties, live events, and mini concerts. Candidate must be able to communicate effectively and manage time schedules for different age groups. Candidate will have to pass a background check.
Now, here’s the thing. Any time you work in any type of school or institution, they always do a background check. So for those of you who are a little worried about those kind of things, it’s a must. So it’s just something that is required. So the cool thing is any time you’re working with kids, you want to have a clean slate anyway. So you never want to get into these positions and you miss out on an opportunity because you got some mess on your record.
Another great thing, this is for kids, man, and I’m always passionate about doing things for kids. This is an after school program, and I think that’s a great way for those of you who are kinda just getting in the game and getting your feet wet. This is a great experience to kinda build those things especially on your resume which is something we always talk about here. And you’ll be teaching basic Pro Tools and music sequencing. So it sounds like a really, really cool environment. Probably, you’re going to be a lot of good energy, and you’ll just be teaching the basics.
Obviously, you want to know Pro Tools because that’s what you’ll be teaching and instructing on, and you’ll be responsible for coordinating set up, breakdown, and recording of birthday parties, live events, and mini concerts. So that’s where structure comes in. That’s where being able to put things together, work with other folks, being able to be time-sufficient. Those are the components that come in hand with those particular asks for this particular job. And you must be able to communicate effectively and manage time schedules. See? There you go again. You kinda have to look at those things as opportunities that you want to ask yourself, how am I with time? How am I with putting people together? How am I with executing deadlines? All those things you want to ask yourself because you have to be good at it with your self first before you can get into a job and put those things together. So keep that in mind.
Moving on to grind opp number three. All right, this is in the field of film for all my Recording Connection film students. Check this out. Cinematographer, video editor, popular outgoing Honey TV and YouTube Show needs a talented individual to work with host, Redman, WA. So…because, man, I grew up with Honey so that just sounds cool to me. So the candidate must be proficient with Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere. Candidate must submit examples of past projects that he/she has created. This is a full-time position which will require worldwide travel of up to a 100 days per year.
Now, that sounds hell of fun. So for those of you who are in the film, cinematographer, video editor role this sounds like a really, really cool opportunity. It doesn’t say that you have to be from WA, so it sounds like you can partake in this particular grind opp from wherever you’re at. I know we get a couple of grind opps that specifically require you live in that specific city. So this sounds like a great opportunity, man. You obviously got to be familiar with Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere, and like I said, it’s best to always be familiar with the gear or the software that comes within your particular line of career. That’s how you want to be. You don’t want to be Mr. Know-it-all, but you want to be Mr. Know-some-of-it-all.
So submit examples of past projects that he or she has created. So that sounds like putting together a reel. I always say reels are great especially in the film world because you can always show somebody better than you can tell them, and it allows people to see your work what you can put together and what you can deliver, quality versus raggedy. So those are the things that are great, that come along with putting a reel together. And it’s out. We’re going Honey TV, YouTube Show. So that sounds like you’ll be out in the woods. You’ll be out in rough terrain. You might be rogue, no cellphone. [inaudible 00:12:46] might be down. You know what I mean? No, Internet. So definitely sounds very adventurous and very fun, and you’ll be working with the host. Hopefully, the host is cool. Hopefully, the host is fly, but even if it’s not that, it’s a great opportunity to get in there and add something to your resume.
This is a full-time position which require worldwide travel for up to a 100 days. So that’s a lot of traveling, folks. There’s only 365 days in a year, and a 100 of them, you’ll be on the go, on the run, and make a move. So you want to make sure for this particular grind opp that you’re able to be that mobile because you don’t want to get in there and sign on because it just was a great opportunity, and then later on down the road, you got about because you can’t travel like that.
So keep that in mind. Moving on to grind opp number four. This is in the field of film. Again, Recording Connection students, check it out, streaming media, video producer. Online business communication company seeks video producer to create onsite production for an Expo customers. This is in San Francisco, California. Lovely bay.
All right, online business communication. Video company seeking a video producer that will create engaging onsite production for an Expo customers. Candidate will be in charge of production of live events, manage a production team, and travel throughout the US for live customer events. Candidate must be passionate about technology, learned in client satisfaction. Candidate must have at least one to two years of experience in film editing. Experience working with corporations is a big plus.
Now, these details are pretty on point. I mean, there’s not much for me to comment on. I mean they’re pretty self-explanatory, other than you’ll be in charge of production of live events, and I’ll say those kind of details always lend itself to structure, promptness, and being able to put groups of people together, who can deliver and execute.
Let me see what else did I mention? It talks about being passionate about technology, and I always say you always want to be passionate about whatever it is you’re doing. So if you’re passionate about technology, you know everything that comes within this particular grind opp which is technology and gear or software. Media. I mean it’s media video, so knowing all these different streaming platforms and other things that you can pull from just information-wise. And also, they’re saying if you have experience with corporations, a huge plus which I always feel is definitely a plus because it allows you to understand the workflow of corporations and the posture of corporations.
All right, moving on to grind opp number five. This is the last grind opp of the day, folks. This is in the field of film. Again, we’ve been getting a lot of film, man. It’s really cool. I know we got a lot and lot of Recording Connection film students that are able to join us on Mondays and really partake in some of these opportunities. This is nonprofit organization seeking media editor to assist creative director in editing video material. This is in Bray, California. All right, getting some grind opps in [inaudible 00:16:09].
This is nonprofit organization. Ideal candidate must have a strong desire to help children in foster care. That’s dope. Let’s see. Candidate will be working on editing both audio and video. Experience with Pro tools and Adobe Premiere. This is a part-time position. At least three days a week, 20, 24 hours, $14 per day or per hour. My bad. I mean who would do $14 per day, right? So this is $14 per hour. It’s a nonprofit. And the great thing is it’s a good cause. It’s a good energy. They’re asking that you have a strong desire to help children in foster care which always…any time you deal with foster care and those things, it’s always a great opportunity to look at these kids as your next generation of creators or forward thinkers. Just great things have always kinda festered in those kind of environments, creativity, and it just sounds like it’s a rewarding job. You see that you can make kids smile and put them on a course that they can love and appreciate. That’s always a good [inaudible 00:17:30].
But this one, you want to be experienced in Pro Tools and Adobe Premiere. Like I said, it’s good to know an array of software and equipment that comes with these particular grind opps. So you’re not just a one-dimensional workhorse because you do need to be a workhorse in these environments. You do need to be able to get in there and grind. So they’re looking for somebody that would be able to assist the creative director in editing video materials, support creative production needs. So again, you got to know how to work with folks. You got to know how to be able to maneuver different areas and make things happen within these particular needs and asset they’re asking for. It’s a part-time position. I always look at part-time positions that come up in our grind opps as opportunities for you to get in there and become a staple, become un-removable, and allows you an opportunity to get in there and over-perform so that you can possibly become a full-time employee.
So these are great opportunities. So that at least three days a week, 20 to 24 hours, and they’re paying 14 per hour. Okay, so that is grind opp number five of the day. We better move on to my favorite part which is the Q&A part of the show, which we got a lot of questions in already. So I’m going to move on to these questions, folks, and let’s see what’s on your mind. Again, like I said, we got Maria here from Brazil. What up, Roy? Welcome from Sacramento. My boy Doug who’s from LA saying, “What up?” To Hyra [SP], “Hello, DJ IZ, would you happen to have any creative writing jobs?” Not today, but we will. Just keep tuning in. Like I said, this is episode 21, and you’ll be surprised at what we’ve had come since episode 1 on your way. So definitely stay tuned, stay connected with us every Monday, 11 a.m. Pacific standard time. Looking forward to keep seeing you here.
Wayne [SP], what up? Greeting from San Antonio. All right, we got some folks tuning in today. I love it. Tuesday Watkins, what up? Hi, everybody. My DIC Doug, what up from the deserts of Palm Dale, Cali. Oh, man, what up, bro? Let’s see here. All right. Our tech squad represent. Let’s see here. What up? This is very awesome, but I’m almost 40 years old. Let’s see here. Tuesday says some craziness. “What up? This is very awesome, but I’m almost 40 years old starting out. Is that would be a downside factor after I graduate from Recording Connections?” Man, it’s never too late, bro. The great thing is it doesn’t matter. If it’s your passion or something you love, man, you go for it. Never mind the time, never mind the age. Do what you love and always go for what you’re trying to go for. That’s what it comes down to, man.
Let’s see. All right, Maria. Maria [inaudible 00:20:40] from Brazil. “I love cinema. I want to study in RFC, but I don’t have money. Who can help me to study, give opportunity to work?” Maria, stay tuned in because I’m gonna to shoot you a link. You’ll see a link at my screen, and also an email where you can email for those kind of questions and get you dialed in. I mean I totally understand where you’re coming from, and just the fact that you even asked that is great. So folks, my teams, they’re viewing. This is my girl Maria, who wants to study at the Recording Connection. So let’s make sure we get her a link where she can send an email. Oh, cool, actually we got it here. Maria. So this is what you want to do. You want to email [email protected]. We’ll get you all the information and how you can just obtain the opportunities that we present here on Connected and get you all the literature and info you need on the Recording Connection. Okay? Thank you for tuning in, girl.
Let’s see here. What else do we have? Are there any advantages to an artist having their own label? That’s a good question. Well, here’s the thing. There’s advantages if you have everything you need to have in place because you can’t just be an artist and then have a label. As easy as that sounds, there’s a whole lot of things that need to have happened and need to be in place. Meaning, you need to know business. You need to have a reason why you want to start a label, which is if it’s you’re the artist or you got a stable of artists. So in other words, those are the things that you got to think about. Is there advantages as far as you’re being able to do what you want, call your own shots? Absolutely.
But it only really makes sense when you get to that level. If you got relationships intact that you can call on. I mean, it does get expensive and you want to have experience in dealing with budgets and managing and all those things. One thing I tell folks that jump in to that circus is that it pulls on you so much as an artist. if you don’t have the right people in place, and when things pull on you as an artist, guess what? It takes away from your creativity. It pulls you in all the directions and makes you available to everybody. It is hard to be an artist and execute what you need to execute as an artist when you’re being pulled in all different directions. So you want to make sure you have a team. You want to make sure everybody shares the same common vision and goal, and you want to make sure you got a great body of work, that you got great music and that you have all the necessary components in place to operate and function as a label.
So that’s the short version of what I would tell you. Long version would be at least a 20-minute convo, but I want to give you a little something on that question. Let’s see here what else we got. Bear with me, guys. I’m trying to make sure we answer it all. You know what I love about today’s Q & A is we got folks checking in from everywhere, and that’s what I love to see. It’s a good sign for what we’re doing here every Monday for you, guys. So I’ll wait for a couple of more questions to come in if we do have all signed up [inaudible 00:24:31].
So I’m gonna give you more time. If you guys got any more questions you want to pop in, pop them in now. But for the most part, like I always say at the top of this show, I’m very excited about where we’re getting ready to go, and the things we’re getting ready to add for you, guys, just as far as being able to see a couple of things. We got some great interviews that we’re getting ready to have. We’re going to have some great features. We’re going to have some personalities, and we’re going to keep just bringing in things that allow you to see that we’re very much operating and functioning in the real workplace with real people. This show has never been strictly about mentoring and sharing information as [inaudible 00:25:20]. It’s been part of the puzzle, part of the pieces, but I think in this day and age, folks want to obtain information. They want to get the education. They want to see what the opportunities are.
But then they also want to have access to the actual opportunities. I think there’s an array of shows, the programs out there that lend itself for mentoring and education. But this is the one show that we put together that actually presents you with job opportunities, a way to take the information, the mentoring, the education that we’re giving you, and bring it to life through one of these grind opps. And I think that’s where the difference is in for Connected and what we’re doing. And I love the fact that you guys consistently tune in every Monday and are here to see what’s cracking, and I’m always going to keep it 100 with you guys. If this was me selling just some information, trying to sell it to you guys and prank you guys. No, no. I’m here because there’s job opportunities, which at the end of the day, is what [inaudible 00:26:34] for what it is that we do.
Mentoring, information, we’ll bringing it all in together so that you can actually take that information and that education and go get a job. The goal is here. It’s always been to get you hired, and that’s why those are the things we stress along the way is your resume, the fundamentals of business, the presentation. Is it how I talk to folks? Do I need to wear a suit? As simple as those questions are, you’d be surprised how much they play a role in environment where you’re sitting at an interview and you’re hoping this person will look at you and take you serious and hire you. We’ve talked about the follow up letter for the resume explaining why you feel you’re fit for the job and why you should be hired. Those are the things that nobody really talks about anymore. Folks walking into places of business and asking, “Are you guys hiring?” It’s like those things, man, it seems like as technology furthers itself, we’re getting away from the fundamentals, and I think one of the things I wanted to bring within the show is the fundamentals of how to get it done, how to get into these places, how to get these opportunities accessible.
So on that note, man, I’m going to play this a little music I got in the back because I’m going to sign out with some style and grace. Shout out to my Connected team, Mike [SP], Brian [SP], Howie [SP], make this possible for me to come and do for you guys every Monday at 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. So check in with us next Monday. We got some great things in the works. We’re always, always happy to bring the opportunities. On that note, I’m out. See you next week. Peace.
Previous Episodes of Connected

- Electronic musicians, DJs and beat-makers
- Runners and assistants
- Filmmakers
- Broadcasters
- Aspiring show hosts and more

- Get job tips on all the best jobs and career opportunities
- Get mentored and find out how to get and keep the best gigs in the music and film industry
- Get to know your favorite artists
- Hear industry success and horror stories from the legends inside the business
- Find out real tips to get hired at your dream job
- Connect!